Was Your Child Severely Injured On The Bus? What To Do Right Now

If your child was injured badly on the bus and you can't find out what happened, because they have some memory loss from the event, you want to talk with an injury lawyer. If you think that your child was the victim of an attack and something happened that they hit their head and have a severe injury, you don't want to communicate with the school or the transportation department, you'll instead want to let your lawyer manage that. Here are some of the things to have ready for the lawyer.

Bullying, Abuse or Concerns with Other Students

 Since you know who was on the bus, there may be a way to determine who did this. If you already had issues with your child being bullied by others, or having complications with other students, this is information you want to share with your lawyer.

If you can show that you have had emails, phone conversations, and met with school personal in the past, this shows that this situation maybe could have been prevented. Bring all of this information for the lawyer to go through.

Type of Injury

All of the medical information for the injury should be with you on your first consultation. Head, neck, back, and spinal injuries often quality for injury cases.  Not only will your child be dealing with the physical injury and long road to recovery, they could also have these other complications:

  • Fear of people and harm
  • Depression
  • Social anxiety
  • Self-conscious about student attention after the situation

There are many physical and mental problems that your child may have to endure after something like this happens, and you may not be able to send them back to school or on the bus again.

School Contact Information

You want to have the phone numbers and information for everyone that was involved, from the principle of the school to the bus garage and the bus driver. Although police reports have already been filed, your lawyer may want get more statements from anyone that was involved with the incident.

You want to take action for the damages and pain that your child has had to endure, because there was negligence preventing this bully from acting out on your child. If you think that this incident could have been avoided if addressed properly before it happened, and that your child was injured badly without reason, get a lawyer right away. Contact a firm, like Putnam Lieb Potvin, for more help.
